In this video, i summarized the major parts of the Facebook advertising policy.
below are common policies responsible for rejections on this kind of ads.
- Personal Attributes:
- Multi-level Marketing
- Misleading claims :
Below are the recommendations I can provide on this:
- Write it more like a personal story. Like how the business has influenced you or someone else.
- Don’t mention any outright, immediate or quick financial benefit. (This may lead to rejection for Multi-level Marketing, Get Rich Quick etc policies)
- Don’t ask the audience or prospect any direct questions and avoid the word you. (This may lead to rejection for Personal Attributes policy)
- Write the copy as if you’re offering to teach people a business skill. In essence, don’t make any promises be it financial or otherwise.
NOTE that same applies to images or videos you want to use
these are policies responsible for rejections on this kind of ads.
- Person’s health:
- Over the counter drugs:
- Pharmacies or Medical brands:
- Prescription of drugs:
- Cosmetics Procedures & Wellness:
These are few recommendations I can give you:
- Don’t make any promises: don’t say the medicine or drug will cure this or that. Because Facebook cannot verify this claim, they will definitely reject it.
- Don’t be promotional: you intend to sell a product or service, but the more you write the ad like you’re selling, the more the issues. Write it more like you’re teaching the audience about an illness or disease. In short, make it more informative than promotional.
- Avoid certain keywords: try as much as possible to avoid using some sensitive words. Especially name of body organs or tissues, name of some terminal diseases or illnesses.
NOTE that these policies affect text contents, images and videos.
Please use this link to find access to more ad categories and also the comprehensive details of the Whole Advertising Policy:
To watch other lessons in this course, please enrol in the Meta Advertising Bundle.
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