This article will put you through different platforms where you can take Free CBT Practice Tests online. However, before we go into that, let’s discuss what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) means.
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Now, CBT is simply a form of therapeutic treatment that enables people to learn how to identify and change the negative or distressful thought pattern that affects their natural behaviour and emotions.
Cognitive Behavioural therapy is also focused on converting the subconscious negative thoughts that can add to or worsen your emotional difficulties, depression, and anxiety. It can be generally stated as a form of therapy that helps improve your physiological state of mind.
CBT also comprises different techniques and methods to improve our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It also helps as a short time treatment for anger issues, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder, panic attacks, and phobias.
Platforms to take free CBT practice test
FS Academy
One of the available tests in the FS Academy Practice Test course is the Fun IQ Test. This IQ Test measures a snapshot of your mental ability. Some cognitive abilities can be accurately assessed, which is the goal of the IQ Test.
This is another platform where you can get reliable free CBT practice tests. There are different questions to answer in the scope of CBT, there are also different topics you can decide to study under CBT. You can also apply to the course to have a full understanding of every part of the test.
Cognitive tests are pre-employments assessments, mainly given to graduates and jobseekers during the interview process. This test is designed to examine basic fluid intelligence, a means to assess how well and fast applicants solve difficulties, make connections, recognize patterns, and speak precisely. Here is the link for the free CBT practice tests in Practice4Me.
Practice Aptitude Test
This platform views CBT as a predictor of general intelligence. They help examine your ability to solve problems and think logically. This test will expose you to various Cognitive tests that will help improve your psychological state of mind. Here is the link for the free CBT practice test in Practice Aptitude Tests.
Job Test Prep
This platform provides questions about the scope of CBT. They expose users to different parts or categories of Cognitive Therapy, they also help you measure your general intelligence. Here is the link for the free CBT practice tests in Job Test Prep.
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