It is no news now that instant messengers like WhatsApp, Telegram are now becoming the favourite communication channels of vendors and small business owners. While Facebook, Instagram and Twitter ...
Content creation is increasingly becoming an attractive pastime for a lot of teenagers and even so many youths have taken to it, since covid-19 showed us just how much we can rely on the internet for ...
As a content creator, what are your favourite apps? What tools do you use to make your work easier?Here are my top 5
1. WriterPlus
As a writer, nothing is more helpful and valuable than a ...
Despite the many call-outs and drags over plagiarism, it seems people still won't stop. Rather, they have become brazen and more crafty.Just yesterday, DiaryOfa ShortGirl reached out to me that her ...
Some time ago, an influencer on Facebook made a statement. The person alluded that everyone on Facebook is a content creator as long as they make posts on their wall.Well technically, she might be ...